Thursday, December 18, 2008


Have you ever had a chance or opportunity just fall in your lap? Sometimes someone is looking to just help you out! When such a chance comes to you like a present on Christmas morning you can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside. There are wonderful and caring people in this world who truly want the best for everyone. These people make me believe that goodness does overcome credentials. These people also become supporters of your personal strife to succeed, just by believing in you and your capabilities. They don't need to see your GPA or your resume to know that you could do great things if only given the chance or break you really need. So thank you to all the people out there who truly are the stretched out hand to help you get to the top of your mountain. In closing, be optimistic, keep hope alive and just maybe you will get your shot to boost you to your personal greatness! Thank you Brenda!
In keeping with tradition here is my closing quote....
"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death."
-Robert Fulghum

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas to me.

Hello All!!

I know it has been a very long time since I posted a new post so please forgive my procrastination. So Christmas is coming up! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for that is for sure! Today is my Momma's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMASITA! To catch up I have been really busy working on photos that it has pretty much taken over my life! I have a full time job during the day and a full time job after I get home. Ha Ha! But anyway back to Christmas....
Christmas is my favorite time of year! It isn't about the presents at all for me! I love to be with my family and I mean all of them. Something about being snuggled up on the couch at my parents house that just makes me feel like I never left or grew up! My family is very close so everyone is so happy to see it other even though we don't live far apart.
One of the funniest things is my Dad! I am a huge Daddy's girl! He gets so into finding everyone the perfect gift. He loves it! I swear he listens to what you say all year and stores stuff that you said you want in the back of his head until December. What else is funny is he is pretty tight with money but he seems to let that go when it comes to Christmas! Sorry Dad! But the gift he picks out is always my favorite out of all of them.
My Momma is the most loving and caring person I have ever known and just being around her makes me feel safe and loved like no one else could love me! What is funny is she buys all this food and stocks up on everything we like so it will be there for us. She also gets us all pj's and gives them to us on Christmas Eve, it has kinda became a tradition. That is one of my favorite things, everybody models their new pj's. ha ha!
My sister spoils me to death! She always gives me way too many gifts! She is my best friend and it is so great to get to hang out with her on the holidays. She also gets in the kitchen and starts whippin' up all sorts of stuff like she is Martha Stewart, it makes me laugh because I don't think she cooks much at home but that tells you how much she loves us!!!
My brother, which I adore always wrestles with me or plays around like we did when I lived at home! He is always so much fun and has never acted like he was too cool for me even though he is getting older!
Hayden, oh Hayden! Hayden is my sister's son, my only nephew on my side of my husband and I's family! I have never loved a child so much! I think he kinda likes his Aunt Amber and I will keep brainwashing him until he is 40 that I am his favorite person in the world! His laugh and smile make everything better and I could not imagine life without him!
Last and definitely not least is my husband. He is my true love the one person besides all those listed above that really accepts me for who I am! I am very lucky to have met him and I will think that forever or until he finally gets tired of me!! Ha Ha!
So in closing, love is what Christmas is about for me! The greatest gift I could receive is a couple of days with all of those people listed above! My complete happiness revolves around them and I am very lucky that they all feel the same about me.
So for you, look around the room on Christmas morning before ripping apart those boxes. Look at those people who made you, who love you and who will never ever
leave your heart! They are the true gifts in your life. They might not be shiny, new, have a bow, or be perfect but they are much better than some technical gadget, clothes or whatever it was you ask Santa for this year!